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  • Stenbäckinkatu 11, FI-Helsinki
  • +358 50 514 2646

Service Request

The FINPEDMED electronic Service Request is designed for sponsors to enable timely receipt of centralised answers to feasibilities and consultations directly from Experts and Clinical Trial Units (pediatric clinics and hospitals).


One Service Request may include information on one clinical trial, or consultation on one protocol or medicinal product.

Service Sequest is an electronic web-form which is submitted to the FINPEDMED Office. The Office distributes the request via e-platform to selected Experts according to the specialty in case. The experts reply back to office vai e-platform, and the office constitutes the answers to the Requester.

A Service Request may include attached documents, such as a feasibility questionnaire, trial synopsis, protocol, or other relevant documents (max. 4). The Requester must define how the CDA (Confidentiality Agreement) needs to be signed and by whom before proceeding with the request. Consultations are negotiated separately with the Requester (i.e. sponsor).

Confidentiality Agreements (CDA)

The CDA can be signed first by the Executive Secretary of FINPEDMED (under the legal entity HUS / Helsinki University Hospital) to enable timely submission/receipt of information relating to the request. If signed CDAs shall also be obtained from individual FINPEDMED Experts before they can be granted access to detailed Service Request information, the Requester shall inform about their preferred practice in managing CDA documents. FINPEDMED Experts have no written CDAs with the HUS / Helsinki University Hospital, which bears no legal responsibility for individual Experts’ confidentiality.

Service Requests are provided currently free of charge. Consultations are negotiated according to annually confirmed FINPEDMED Service Fees (2024). See More; Terms of FINPEDMED Services.