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  • +358 50 514 2646

Training for experts and other stakeholders

One of the network’s aims is to improve the quality of paediatric clinical trials by increasing tailored and focused training provided for investigators, research staff and Pharma industry personnel.

In addition to the tailored training, FINPEDMED aim to share information and communicate all stakeholders. As an increasing trend, one of the most important stakeholder group will be the patients and their families. With this respect, HUS and New Children´s Hospital has establish first Young Person´s Advisory Group (YPAG) in Finland for pediatric clinical trial purposes. The participation in YPAG is on the voluntary basis and all adolescents selected for the group will have training for the activities.

The FINPEDMED trainings are focused on the special features of paediatric clinical trials and on paediatric clinical pharmacology. The aim of the training is also to harmonise and standardise investigators’ operational models at a national level. FINPEDMED has organized national congress on pediatric drug therapy (LLHP) during the years 2014, 2016 and 2018, and designed special training program (4 CU) for pediatric research nurses (2015). This training has been completed in 3 University Hospitals; TAYS (Tampere), HUS (Helsinki) and TYKS (Turku).

The staff working with paediatric clinical trials must be trained on good clinical practice (GCP) regularly. Many of the Finnish University Hospitals and Private Clinics provide GCP training and GCP tests for their own employees. In Finland, the official TransCelerate approved GCP training is offered and organized to all organizations by the Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd.