FINPEDMED Strategy for 2023-2025
We promote the health of Finnish (European) children by increasing research, development and registration of new medicines while trying to avoid any unnecessary trials in children. The goal is to obtain new medicines and treatments that are safe and based on research evidence.
Our operations are based on work performance that is reliable and responsible and of high-quality both ethically and scientifically. We are a non-profit organization managed by a juridical host organization (HUS; Helsinki University Hospital, Department of Children and Adolescents). Our operations are transparent and we exchange information openly both nationally and internationally. We cooperate with all stakeholders. We represent phycisians engaged in scientific research and other experts in the field, and develop national harmonised practices, materials, and operating procedures promoting scientific research.
We are one the most effective pediatric medicines research national networks in Europe together with Nordic network NORDICPEDMED and as a member of the new c4c – a Pan-Europan paediatric clinical research infrasfuture. We hold Category 1 membership also in the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA).
Services and service rationale
We provide expert services for pharmaceutical and biotech industry, and for academic research groups, through our own closed member registry and an e-Service platform. We are a member of the European Network of Paediatric Research (Enpr-EMA) coordinated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Our services are based on the requirements of the EU Paediatric Regulation (EU 1901/2006) and valid legislation. To our own members, we produce internal services supporting research and offer new research assignments.
Through our nation-wide network, we offer the most sophisticated, cutting edge expertise in the planning and performance of pediatric clinical trials. Our services cover all pediatric specialties in Finland (excluding vaccines). In addition, we offer expertise in the sub-sectors of pediatric clinical pharmacology, pharmacy and in medical ethics. However, we do not act as a Competent Authority, do not make respective decisions, and we do not give ethical opinions (such as Ethics Committees). We provide Services through centralized one point of contact, FINPEDMED Office.
Training and communication
We train our own experts and thus increase their special expertise. We also offer additional tailored training to other stakeholders. We aim at providing all parties with open information about our operations: authorities, patient organizations, physicians’ specialist associations, pharmacies, and hospitals. We actively participate in European, Nordic and international congresses and meetings and do our best to have our voices heard.
Customer profile and Collaboration
Our customers include national and international Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Biotech companies and other companies working in the field of paediatric clinical research operating in Finland and Europe, as well as European and national academic research groups. We also provide services to the Finnish and European Competent Authorities (medical, regulatory and ethical) and such institutions and organisations that need our expert services. We collaborate actively through various European and Nordic research infrastructure initiatives and projects.
Funding and operations
We aim to increase the number of our services and to develop new metrics for our operation. We also aim to create a new permanent and sustainable funding scheme through new infrastructure project funding and initiatives.