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Picture Cards

FINPEDMED Picture Cards have been designed to be used by doctors and investigators to support pediatric patients and their families to better understand the contents of complex and written patient information in normal clinical use and in clinical trials.

Picture Cards can also be used in normal clinical practice and therapy situations. Illustrative material is used to aid the understanding when the content of the written patient information is difficult to understand due to low developmental level or medical disorders. Furthermore, the cards may be beneficial also with guardians who have difficulties with language skills or due to lack of experience.

A group of experts designed the Picture Cards in 2009. The Picture Cards are available in electronic and secured PDF-format in size A6. Original 31 pictures present different drug formulations, administration methods, basic medical examination situations, different additional examinations and procedures, and pictures depicting time, visits to the hospital, the hospital environment and trial documents.  Five new Picture Cards of various medical procedures were published in 2022. Total number of Picture Cards is currently 36.

Picture Card sample pictures: 31 picture cards

New Picture Card sample pictures: 5 picture cards

The picture cards are under copyright law ©, IP owned by HUS, Department of Children and Adolescents / FINPEDMED.

Picture Cards can be licensed by Licencing Agreement

Companies and academic research groups can license Picture Cards by contacting the FINPEDMED Office: Contact form. The pricing of the Picture Cards in the Licencing Agreements is based on the number of separate pictures and to the number of copies of the pictures to be licenced.