Data Protection of the FINPEDMED website
The information on FINPEDMED internet website is designed for providing general public information and for services directed to the companies and to the academic research groups. The FINPEDMED Office is responsible for the maintenance of the web pages. FINPEDMED / HUS as a legal owner has the responsibility of a saving of the web page contents concerning the personal data submitted to FINPEDMED via web forms, both from Comments via News at the front page and the Contact Form via Contact Information page for the Picture Card orders. All information contents on FINPEDMED internet website have been designed by following the Finnish legislation and FINPEDMED has committed to protect the privacy of the users of its network services according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) EU and national Data Protection Act (2018).
FINPEDMED web-site uses cookies. The cookies technology on FINPEDMED web-site do not collect personal data which individualises the user and the users IP addresses are made unknown. The information collected by using cookies is used for the improvement of the user interface and use experience of the site and for the statistical follow-up of attendances. The information is not given to external partners.
It is possible for the user of the site to prevent the use of cookies by changing the settings of its browser. However, the use of the site without the cookies may affect the functionality of the pages.
FINPEDMED webpages contain links to the webpages maintained by the third parties responsible for the contents of those webpages. Similarly, the cookie practices or functioning of the pages of third parties are not controlled by FINPEDMED. However, the FINPEDMED website is regularly updated and checked with certain intervals to maintain the functionality of these external pages.
Personal data of the users by submitting Comments for News or submitting Contact Form
On FINPEDMED web-site, it is possible to submit comments on the News which is located on the front page, by using the “Read more” link. To submit a comment the following compulsory information is needed; name and e-mail address. The comment and name given by the commentator will come publicly to the page in question in sight but the e-mail address is not published. The commentators can choose separately if they want to save their name, e-mail address and home page for the future comments as that data can filled in automatically via the browser that has been used.
With the Contact Form, you can contact the FINPEDMED Office and can order Picture Cards. The following compulsory information is supplemented for the sending of the Contact Form; name, telephone number and e-mail address, and a message of the contact. The feasibility assessments and consultations regarding clinical trials are requested by completing electronic Service Request. The Service Requests are managed under separate service conditions (Terms of FINPEDMED Services) which contain the more exact principles of a data and privacy protection.
All FINPEDMED Service Requests resulting in legal agreement with HUS have to comply with the general data and information security policy of HUS. These apply to all contract parties and the subcontractors related to these agreements. This policy has been described in the enclosed appendix: General information security appendix.
FINPEDMED-NORDICPEDMED Investigators Registry Data Protection
See separate FINPEDMED Investigators Registry Privacy Policy (only available in Finnish): FINPEDMED_Tietosuojaseloste_2020
FINPEDMED web-site Privacy Policy (2020)
1. Controller
Kansallinen Lastenlääkkeiden tutkimusverkosto, FINPEDMED
Finnish Investigators Network for Pediatric Medicines
Det nationella nätverket för forskning av barnläkemedel
Legal entity: Helsingin ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiiri, HYKS Lasten ja Nuorten sairaudet, Digitaaliset ja Innovaatiopalvelut
Address: Stenbäckinkatu 11, Helsinki, PL 280, 00029 HUS
Phone: 09-47172700
Website: and
2. Privacy Policy and Data Protection contact person
Name, phone, e-mail;
Pirkko Lepola, 050-5142646,, postal address; see 1.
Centralized FINPEDMED Office e-mail:
3. Personal data sources
FINPEDMED website News Comments and Contact Form information including personal data.
4. Purposes of the processing the personal data
5. Categories / content of the personal data
Web-form content; name, phone number and e-mail address.
6. Regular data sources
Web-form data informed by the comment giver or a contacting person itself.
7. Regular data exchange or data deliver or transfer outside EU or EEA and time of data storage
No regular data exchange, deliver or transfer. The commentator’s or connection taker’s contact information is not given to external parties. The comment information is retained until the new comments will come quantitatively so much that there is no room for the older comments in sight to public web pages. Then the name information is removed from a database. The comments can be retained for a longer time to develop FINPEDMED operations. The information of contacts is retained for the orders and the handling of payments in the closed database.
8. Principles of the Personal Data Security
- Manual data: No manual data.
- Electronic data: At FINPEDMED Office, secured database, limited administrative rights, passwords, security copy. Database is located in Finland at premises of the Planeetta Internet Ltd. The access to that database is limited to only designated IT-persons maintaining the database services (Planeetta Internet Ltd., Helsinki). Personal data is located in one database and these data can be removed on the request of the data subject (manual procedure).
9. Right to request rectification or erasure of personal data
All persons who have submitted their personal data via FINPEDMED website has the right to request to rectificate or delete of personal data, or ask for restriction or object of processing the personal data. All such requests must be addressed to FINPEDMED Office during the office hours.
10. Right to rectificate the Personal Data
The validity of the Personal Data is based on the commentator’s or connection taker’s own announcement and they can ask to repair or to remove the data concerning themselves through the FINPEDMED Office during the office hours.
11. Other Privacy Policy related rights
The commentators’ and connection takers’ contact information can be used only with their own consent in which case they have a right also to forbid the use of the information concerning himself. The registrar reserves the right to update and to change the Privacy Policy.