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  • Stenbäckinkatu 11, FI-Helsinki
  • +358 50 514 2646

Research collaboration and infrastructure development is based on wide collaborative initiatives accross Nordics and Europe

Because the majority of children are healthy, the clinical research on pediatric patients needs extensive and wide global collaboration across the countries and continents. Only by multicentre and multinational trials it is possible to achieve a meaningful number of targeted patients to produce enough required research data for the medicine authorities performing the efficacy and safety assessment of new medicinal products. Based on the clinical research data, medicine authorities are able to assess the data and provide Marketing Authorizations (MA) to new medicines. After MA, the medicines can access to markets and further to patients through e.g. hospitals or pharmacies.

Therefore, FINPEDMED works actively on Nordic and European level through NORDICPEDMED network and through Europan initiatives, such as the PedCRIN project (2017-2020) and Conect4Children-c4c project (2018-2024, continues 05-2025).

In addition, FINPEDMED is part of the Europan network, Enpr-EMA (European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency) which is a permanent structure, based on a legal requirement in EU Paediatric Regulation, and is operating under the European Medicines Agency (EMA).