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  • Stenbäckinkatu 11, FI-Helsinki
  • +358 50 514 2646


Legal and Ethical Regulations – see Regulations and Guidelines

National Research Units – Pediatric units – see Clinical Trial Units

National Research Organisations (University hospitals and Vaccine Research units)
The European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA)

Enpr-EMA works by allowing networking and collaboration with members from within and outside the European Union (EU), including academia and the pharmaceutical industry. The network has other networks as members representing various therapeutic areas, age groups, and specific activities in pediatric medicine. The network is coordinated by the European Medicines Agency, EMA.

Authorities, Associations, and Organisations
Patient Insurances for Clinical Trials in Finland
Data Protection Authorities
The Ombudsman for Children
Journals, Publications, Medical Portals and Clinical Trial Registers

ICMJE Approved Publication Registers (English)