Enpr-EMA is a permanent network structure located in European Medicines Agency
The Paediatric Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006) Article 44 says, that Europan Medicines Agency (EMA) shall, with the scientific support of the Paediatric Committee (PDCO), develop a European network of existing national and European networks, investigators and centres with specific expertise in the performance of studies on the paediatric population. Enpr-EMA was officially launched and presented to stakeholders in March 2011. The EMA provides secretariat support, a public website and support to organise and host meetings, such as an annual workshop at the Agency.
Enpr-EMA is a network of research networks, currently 51 member-networks, and these members perform research with children. Enpr-EMA acts as a platform for sharing good practices as well as a pan-European voice for promoting research into medicines for children. The Enpr-EMA does not perform clinical trials or fund studies or research or decide on areas for paediatric research.
FINPEDMED is one of the 18 Category 1 member-networks in the Coordinating Group, which is the operational centre of Enpr-EMA. Currently FINPEDMED Executive Secreatary holds the Chair position of the Coordination Group together with the co-chair nominated by the EMA. Coordinating Group meets on a regular basis and the Co-chair together with two PDCO representatives will regularly report to the Paediatric
Committee, which acts as the scientific committee of Enpr-EMA.
For more information, please visit Enpr-EMA website: European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA)